NOTE: This page is under development. As we work to tailor a page for the athletic community, we present an entertaining sample for you to enjoy — and also invite you to thoroughly investigate the music we present in our albums and products. You’ll discover incredible possibilities across our body of work.

Here’s a great example of music customized and developed for a young skater. When Madison Hubbell* was a young prodigy, Steve DeDoes arranged the popular “Linus & Lucy” instrumental of “Peanuts” fame for her to use in competition. This creative, modernized adaptation provides a complex tapestry for the skater…it modulates across styles (incorporating a swing section, in addition to the driving beat), and also provides a great dramatic framework for the performance, all within 1:30. Hear for yourself !

*(FYI: Madison Hubbell (2018 &2019 U.S. Champion in Ice Dance, and 2018 Olympian, is also Steve DeDoes’ niece…and is, of course, a big part of our understanding of the sport…)

DeDoes Music is now presenting Original Music and Music Production Services for Athletic Performance, as for figure skating, gymnastics, and other live situations.

WE OFFER WAYS TO DO THIS BETTER than what you’re currently using. Beyond the simplicity of merely “chopping” music to fit time constraints, Steve DeDoes has a lifetime of experience creating music for stage and screen, including dance. Credits include themes for television, radio, and Internet-based broadcast, film, theatre, concert stage, and more.